Portfolio Description

Project Details

Customer: Garage Engeler AG

Period: 2021

Duration: 1 month

Service: Construction Unity180

VOLVO not only electrifies the cars

With the Garage Engeler in Frauenfeld, we were able to realise our first large project with a Unity 180. The VOLVO garage is thus consistently taking the step of enabling its existing and potential customers to use our Charger for fast charging. Triple win, everything explained in space to potential customers, the charging needs of the garage are covered and public charging generates revenue.

The first experiences with the Unity Chargers are particularly impressive. The current all-electric VOLVO, charge significantly faster than comparable charging stations. 1000 VDC as well as a peak charging capacity of almost 150kW remain unrivalled in this product segment. The test vehicle from Volvo had a charging capacity of 150kW, 30kW could still be provided by our Unity 180.

Portfolio Details